Does God Really Exist? A Wise Conversation Between Teacher and Student

Student: “Teacher, I feel very restless.”

Teacher: “I know, but why are you telling me this?”

Student: “How did you know I was restless?”

Teacher: “Without divine knowledge, prayer, and following a spiritual path, no one can find peace. This is a universal truth.”

Student: “But I don’t believe in God!”

Teacher: “That’s your choice; I never told you to believe. I was only explaining the reason for your restlessness.”

Student: “If God exists, He should be visible.”

Teacher: “So, do only things that are visible exist in this world?”

Student: “Yes. How can we believe in something without proof?”

Teacher: “What’s that burning in front of you?”

Student: “A lamp.”

Teacher: “How do you know?”

Student: “I can see it.”

Teacher: “If someone is blind, would they declare that light and fire don’t exist just because they can’t see it?”

Student: “Hmm, that’s true. I think I understand your point, Teacher.”

Teacher: “Look, if you want to be free from confusion and find peace, listen to me carefully for the next few minutes.”

Student: “Please go ahead, Teacher. I’ve been searching for answers for so long—whether God exists or not. Today, please clear my doubts.”

Teacher: “Listen carefully. In today’s world, this question might seem odd, but it’s important to understand our faith. There’s so much confusion around spirituality. Before understanding God, let’s think if there could even be a God or not.

Imagine a person who cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. For them, does the world even exist? Do you exist for them? The only thing they know is their own self. This is why we often question if God exists and what proof we have.

A common believer would tell you that nothing in this world is made without a creator, and so the universe must have a creator too—that’s God. But then we ask, who created God?

In his writings, the great sage Maharishi Dayanand said that the existence of anything is known by its qualities. We know fire exists because it gives light and heat. Similarly, God exists because we see His presence in the wonders of the universe.

Even though we can’t see or touch air, we know it’s there because we feel it. Just as sweetness proves the existence of sugar, the qualities of God like wisdom, justice, and kindness show His presence.

Now, you might wonder: if we can feel the qualities of other things, how do we feel God’s qualities? Just as reading a book shows us the mind of the author, observing this vast, intelligent universe shows us the wisdom of its creator.

In the end, to truly know God, one has to experience Him through a deeper connection, just like tasting water to feel its coolness. And like any scientific process, there is a way to experience God—not through superstition, but through wisdom.

This journey of discovery is complex, so let’s leave the rest for another day.”

Student: “Teacher, your words are enlightening. I feel blessed with this wisdom, though I still have many questions.”

Teacher: “I never promised to change your mind or make you see God. I’m just sharing my thoughts and experiences. That’s all for today.”

pandit ji arya samaji
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Pandit Brahm Dev Vedalankar Ji is a revered Arya Samaj scholar known for his deep Vedic knowledge and dedication to promoting the teachings of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati. His profound wisdom, inspiring discourses, and commitment to truth and equality have made him a guiding light for many, fostering spiritual growth and social harmony.

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