Arya Samaj Teachings-Disciple’s Quest for Answers

Disciple: Master, I feel so restless. My thoughts are all over the place.
Guru: I know. Why tell me, though?
Disciple: But, Gurudev, how did you know I was restless?
Guru: It’s simple. No one can find peace without true knowledge, devotion, and walking the right path. This is the eternal truth.
Disciple: But I don’t believe in God. How can I find peace?
Guru: Belief or disbelief isn’t the issue here. Restlessness arises when you’re disconnected from your inner self, your purpose.
Disciple: If God exists, why can’t we see him?
Guru: Do you believe only what is visible exists?
Disciple: Of course. Seeing is believing!
Guru: What’s in front of you?
Disciple: A burning lamp.
Guru: And how do you know it’s burning?
Disciple: I see the flame with my eyes.
Guru: What if someone blind claims there’s no flame, no light? Does their perception change reality?
Disciple: Hmm… that makes sense. But how does this relate to God?

Guru: Let me explain. Imagine someone who can’t see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. For them, does the world exist? Or does your presence matter to them? The only thing they might acknowledge is their own existence.
Similarly, when we ask if God exists, people demand proof. A believer might say, ‘Everything has a creator, so the universe must have one too.’ But the question follows: ‘Who created God?’ The answer lies in understanding that what is created needs a creator, but what is eternal and uncreated does not.

Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati, in his book Satyarth Prakash, emphasized that the existence of anything is proven by its qualities. Fire exists because we feel its heat and see its light. Air exists because we feel its touch. But God doesn’t have qualities perceivable by our senses—no form, no touch, no sound. So how do we perceive God?”

Disciple: Exactly! If we can’t perceive God, how can we believe in him?

Guru: Think about it. Just because someone blind cannot perceive the light, does that mean it doesn’t exist? Similarly, our senses cannot grasp God’s essence because they are limited to the material world.

The process to know God isn’t about blind faith or miracles. It’s scientific and rational. Just as you read a book and understand the author’s knowledge, by walking the path of truth and inner discipline, you begin to perceive God. This process requires your full intellect, honesty, and dedication—qualities emphasized by the teachings of the Arya Samaj Mandir.

Disciple: Master, your words feel like rain in a desert. But I’m not fully convinced yet.
Guru: I didn’t speak to convince you. Truth is self-evident once experienced. I’m only showing the path. The rest is your journey.

About Arya Samaj Philosophy

The teachings of the Arya Samaj Mandir emphasize truth, rational thought, and scientific inquiry into the questions of existence. Rather than relying on miracles, it encourages individuals to explore spirituality through knowledge, devotion, and virtuous living. This profound conversation captures the essence of Arya Samaj’s philosophy: the pursuit of truth through understanding and self-discovery.

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Pandit Brahm Dev Vedalankar Ji is a revered Arya Samaj scholar known for his deep Vedic knowledge and dedication to promoting the teachings of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati. His profound wisdom, inspiring discourses, and commitment to truth and equality have made him a guiding light for many, fostering spiritual growth and social harmony.

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